Infiction is a digital project born in 2021 during a period of health emergency caused by Covid. A miniseries that builds its own investigation through artistic research in relation to spaces left without care.
The project consists of five different episodes that appear as autobiographies with an artistic imprint.
Each episode is a narrative of a personal quest and each member of the team will be the protagonist of a chapter.
A miniseries dedicated to the relationship between the ‘artist and his or her own research where words are absent and leave room for ‘listening and watching sounds and actions carried out in solitude.
concept C.G.J. Collettivo Giulio e Jari
collaboration Elisa Capucci, Antonietta Dicorato, Simone Grande
with Jari Boldrini, Elisa Capucci, Simone Grande, Giulio Petrucci
direction / camera / editing Antonietta Dicorato
music Simone Grande
stage photographer Lucia Benegiamo
sculpture Elisa Capucci
dronist Andrea Nastasi
supported by Regione Marche, Assessorato alla Cultura e Amat
administrative support Preformazioni Cinetiche Dance Management
technical partner Adcom